Hi! Long time no see.
These past few months I've been coding a 3D game engine I call YUME, and a game to go along with it - a cheery platformer called Speebot. There's a storyline that I won't talk about, but the game consists of controlling a little robot, rolling and hopping across sea-steading platforms, collecting crystals, chatting with other robots and falling into water.
I've been focusing mostly on engine and gameplay programming so far, and have created 42 levels. The goal is 200 levels split into 4 worlds, each with a different theme.
Levels are increasingly difficult and sometimes contain puzzles, enemies, trampolines and so on. There are also items that unlock certain skills when picked up, like gliding with an umbrella or double-jumping with a jetpack (the items are lost when the level is complete or if you die). New types of props and items appear as the player progresses through the game.
Still a long way to go, but level design should progress faster now that I'm mostly done with the engine and UI work!
Anyway, here's a couple of short vids (a bit outdated now but that's alright):
Follow me if you're curious about Speebot and stuff:
Twitter: @kircode
Web: kircode.com