Learn to create a crossplatform RPG using my newest Haxe tutorial series!
Grab the full source code or follow 20 detailed step-by-step tutorials to create an RPG using the powerful HaxeFlixel game framework.
You can find all of that in this blog post on my website.
you should host a working sample at least at ng dump , would be cool to see it working right in there.
btw since im also coding in haxe my question is how viable is the performance on openfl (lets consider something more advanced then a mario clone)
-targeting flash stage 2d should be fast and great, the same version in cpp would be faster but would be terribly gpu unfriendly , simmialr in android and ios, html 5 would be shit
-using draw tiles method - flash target would be shit, other gpu stufff would be good, html 5 would be shit
is that right? i think i'll do some physics, particles an other stuff stress testing to see. cheers!
OpenFL manages all backends as efficiently as possible, I'd just make a stress test and see what works best for your purpose. I'm currently making a 3D game and the performance is really steady so far.